Lux Pro LP 1035V2

  • Brand: LUX PRO
  • Availability: In Stock

LuxPro focus 570 lumen LED handheld flashlight with Tack Grip. This is a compact flashlight that has a seamless push/pull focus head that is easy to adjust with 1 hand. With 4 lighting modes, users can get the light they need for any situation. Access 570 lumens on High, 175 on Medium, and 43 on Ultra-Low. The Ultra-Low setting gives...

LuxPro focus 570 lumen LED handheld flashlight with Tack Grip. This is a compact flashlight that has a seamless push/pull focus head that is easy to adjust with 1 hand. With 4 lighting modes, users can get the light they need for any situation. Access 570 lumens on High, 175 on Medium, and 43 on Ultra-Low. The Ultra-Low setting gives you an extended runtime of over 22 hours. This is crucial for emergencies. Hidden strobe is a mode that can be accessed and exited by pressing the on/off button for approximately 3-4 seconds. Updated electronics allows users to turn the light off with one click after using the selected mode for more than 5 seconds. Constructed with aircraft-grade aluminum and Tack Grip making it extremely durable. Tack Grip is patented, exclusive to LuxPro, and is molded directly to the aluminum body for longer-lasting durability that wont slide or curl. This light is O-ring sealed and waterproof with an IPX4 rating.

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Tags: flashlights