New Delta McKenzie Hoosier Daddy 3D Deer Target Brown, announces the all-new Daddy target line! These realistic, durable, 3D targets offer the ultimate in hunting and tournament preparation. Among the other lifelike models, including the Baby Daddy Buck and the ultimate Big Daddy Buck, the Hoosier Daddy Buck Archery Target brings a mid-size dimension to help you improve your archery...
New Delta McKenzie Hoosier Daddy 3D Deer Target Brown, announces the all-new Daddy target line! These realistic, durable, 3D targets offer the ultimate in hunting and tournament preparation. Among the other lifelike models, including the Baby Daddy Buck and the ultimate Big Daddy Buck, the Hoosier Daddy Buck Archery Target brings a mid-size dimension to help you improve your archery skills. Whether you are a hunter or a 3D competitor, realistic vital rings and universal scoring rings help you get ready for your next archery challenge. Baby Daddy, Hoosier Daddy, and the Big Daddy Buck come to you exclusively from Delta-McKenzie.Feature100% solid, SELF HEALING foam construction, allowing for easy arrow pull-Built to last for thousands of shots from crossbows, recurve, or compound bows-Exclusive, patented horizontal joint technology works with you for fast, easy setup that won?t fall apart when moving the target-Proprietary Antler Assembly Socket System keeps antlers aligned and secure, no more damage to the foam head from messy antler spikes-Perfect for 3D target archers and big game bowhunters.
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