Not every hunt calls for thousands of cubic inches of pack space. But at Badlands, a smaller pack never means less performance. In the Dash, we’ve combined our Hypervent™ suspension with load-distributing flex rods, creating space for air to flow between you and the pack, because a cool body means more energy. Constructed from tough, weight-saving ultralight ripstop fabric, the...
Not every hunt calls for thousands of cubic inches of pack space. But at Badlands, a smaller pack never means less performance. In the Dash, we’ve combined our Hypervent™ suspension with load-distributing flex rods, creating space for air to flow between you and the pack, because a cool body means more energy. Constructed from tough, weight-saving ultralight ripstop fabric, the Dash Pack is made for speed, movement, and mobility.
Total Volume: 1,940 CI
Main Pocket Volume: 1,260 CI
Total Weight: 3 LB, 12 OZ
Dimensions: 22 IN x 15 IN x 10 IN
Carries Rifle or Bow
Hip-Belt Pistol Holster
Easy-Access Hip-Belt Pouches
Hypervent™ Suspension
Aramid Bartacking on Stress Points
Hydration Compatible (Up to 3L)
Ultralight Ripstop Fabric
Load-Distributing Flex Rods
Detachable Rifle/Bow Boot
Expandable Stretch Side Pockets
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