Badlands Bino D Mag Approach FX

  • Brand: Badlands
  • Availability: Out Of Stock

What have we learned since the creation of our O.P.P. (Optics Protection Program) more than 10 years ago? A hell of a lot. And we crammed all that experience and hard-won knowledge into the D Mag. This handy, 285-cubic-inch carrying case has an ergonomic design that sits tight to your chest for mobility, and wide, vented shoulder straps that make...

What have we learned since the creation of our O.P.P. (Optics Protection Program) more than 10 years ago? A hell of a lot. And we crammed all that experience and hard-won knowledge into the D Mag. This handy, 285-cubic-inch carrying case has an ergonomic design that sits tight to your chest for mobility, and wide, vented shoulder straps that make all-day carry effortless. The Zip-No™ seals on the bino and rangefinder compartments keep gear safe, and open silently. You invested in great optics. The D Mag is the insurance they deserve.


Inside Dimensions: 6 3/4 IN H (8 1/4 IN expanded) x 7 IN W x 2 1/2 IN D

KXO-32™ Fabric

Hypalon Reinforcements

Aramid Bartacking

Backpack-Friendly Harness

Bow Hook

Holds Up to 10 x 50 Binoculars

Built-In Tethers for Binos and Rangefinder

Streamlined, Close-to-Chest Design

Separate Binocular and Rangefinder Compartments

Zip-No™ Magnetic Technology

Bino Connect Compatible (requires optional Bino Connect Kit)


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