Eliminate odors in your vehicle with Dzone 2 Go. It destroys pet, cigarette, smoke, food and gas odors. These odors don't stand a chance with the Dzone 2 Go! DEAD DOWN WIND DZONE 2 GO: The DZone technology is now in a convenient, portable plug in for your car to keep odors at bay. This is a great addition...
Eliminate odors in your vehicle with Dzone 2 Go. It destroys pet, cigarette, smoke, food and gas odors. These odors don't stand a chance with the Dzone 2 Go!
DEAD DOWN WIND DZONE 2 GO: The DZone technology is now in a convenient, portable plug in for your car to keep odors at bay. This is a great addition to your hunting accessories to keep everything scent free.
WORKS WITH 12V SOCKETS: Plug this car air freshener into 12-volt sockets for the best results. Simply plug it in and let it work its magic to eliminate odors in your vehicle.
30 MG/H OZONE: Delivers 30mg/h Ozone for 10 minutes every hour. It's easy to use and hassle-free. Easily fits into any hunting gear bag to store when not in use.
2 USB CHARGING PORTS: This portable ozone generator features 2 USB charging ports that are always on. Works with any vehicle, try it in your hunting truck.
DESTROYS ODORS: Helps destroy pet, cigarette, food, and gas odors often found in vehicles for a fresh-smelling car. Use it before or after hunting to get rid of lingering odors.
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