Lux Pro LP720

  • Brand: LUX PRO
  • Availability: In Stock

The LUXPRO MINI720 is an ultra-compact rechargeable and waterproof LED headlamp. It is bright with over 200 lumens and is versatile with 6 modes: high+, high, medium, flood, low, and strobe. A blue LED battery life indicator, located on the side of the headlamp, makes it easy to know when the headlamp needs to be charged. It comes with a...

The LUXPRO MINI720 is an ultra-compact rechargeable and waterproof LED headlamp. It is bright with over 200 lumens and is versatile with 6 modes: high+, high, medium, flood, low, and strobe. A blue LED battery life indicator, located on the side of the headlamp, makes it easy to know when the headlamp needs to be charged. It comes with a micro-USB cable to conveniently charge the device and fully recharges in approximately 1 hour. The headband is comfortable and adjustable for a secure fit. Designed with a 45-degree pivoting head to shine the light exactly where it's needed. This headlamp is completely waterproof with an IPX7 rating; meaning it can be submerged in 3 feet of water for up to 30 minutes. It’s lightweight, micro-sized, and is ideal for completing projects, running, backpacking, camping, and more.



• Ultra-compact rechargeable & waterproof 

• Right Button: On/Off, Spot High, & High+

• Left Button: High+, High, Med, Low, Red

• Nonslip coated case

• Built-in rechargeable battery

• Comes with a micro-USB cable

• IPX7 waterproof rating 

• Non-slip adjustable headband 

• Limited manufacturer's warranty

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Tags: flashlights