Custom-built with long-draw archers in mind, the ATLAS boasts draw lengths up to 34 inches and features a forgiving 7 3/4" brace height. It’s powered by our award-winning Crosscentric Cam technology, producing speeds up to 350 fps while the patent-pending Switchweight modules offer maximum versatility, allowing you to change peak draw weight in 5 pound increments. Available in 60, 65,...
Custom-built with long-draw archers in mind, the ATLAS boasts draw lengths up to 34 inches and features a forgiving 7 3/4" brace height. It’s powered by our award-winning Crosscentric Cam technology, producing speeds up to 350 fps while the patent-pending Switchweight modules offer maximum versatility, allowing you to change peak draw weight in 5 pound increments. Available in 60, 65, 70 and 75 pound peak weights, each set of mods are programmed for an incredibly smooth draw. Mods are available in 80% or 85% let-off for further customization. Our new patent-pending CenterGuard cable containment system optimizes cam timing while creating additional vane clearance. The Engage Grip interface was designed to ensure consistent hand placement, reducing torque and increasing accuracy regardless of hand size. 3D Damping utilizes the EHS+ damper to reduce post shot vibration giving long-draw archers the ultimate shooting experience.
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