Even the most accurate rifle and scope combination is rendered useless without the precise target range data the Ranger rangefinder provides. Easy-to-use, the Ranger bucks the trend of overly complicated electronics that are more of a hindrance in the field than they are an asset. The built-in angle compensation is popular with treestand hunters looking to get exact horizontal distance...
Even the most accurate rifle and scope combination is rendered useless without the precise target range data the Ranger rangefinder provides. Easy-to-use, the Ranger bucks the trend of overly complicated electronics that are more of a hindrance in the field than they are an asset. The built-in angle compensation is popular with treestand hunters looking to get exact horizontal distance to a deer and long-range shooters who need to calculate complex ballistic solutions with precise data. A utility clip keeps these compact units close at hand for rapid deployment and each model is easily adapted to any 1/4-20 tripod plate when a more rock steady base is required.
Compact, ergonomic and lightweight, the Ranger 1800 is easy to pack or hang around your neck using the included lanyard. The adjustable utility clip mounted to the body offers an innovative way to clip the unit to a belt, pocket, or other flat edged surface for easy access. Clip can be mounted to right or left side of the unit or completely removed. Runs on common CR2 battery.
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