TenPoint EVO-X CenterPunch Carbon Arrows, 20", w/ Alpha Nocks .001"

  • Brand: Ten Point
  • Availability: Out Of Stock

The most accurate crossbow arrow ever, the CenterPunch 20-inch crossbow bolt is fletched slightly offset and is fitted with an 84-grain insert and TenPoint’s Alpha-Nock.  Constructed from modulus carbon fiber at 33 MSI (million-pounds-per-square-inch) and wrapped in an exclusive LAZER-TECH carbon weave, it is fletched with 3.5″ Bohning X Vanes™. EVO-X CenterPunch crossbow bolts are inspected for straightness to within...

The most accurate crossbow arrow ever, the CenterPunch 20-inch crossbow bolt is fletched slightly offset and is fitted with an 84-grain insert and TenPoint’s Alpha-Nock.  Constructed from modulus carbon fiber at 33 MSI (million-pounds-per-square-inch) and wrapped in an exclusive LAZER-TECH carbon weave, it is fletched with 3.5″ Bohning X Vanes™. EVO-X CenterPunch crossbow bolts are inspected for straightness to within .001-inch and each package is weight-grain matched to within 1-grain per arrow.


Available in a 6-pack with Aluminum Alpha-Nocks or White Polymer Alpha-Nocks.  The Alpha-Nock can be used in any TenPoint, Wicked Ridge, or Horton Crossbow Innovations crossbow.  Use of the Alpha-Nock in any of these crossbows will not void the warranty, even if your crossbow originally required the use of a flat nock or Omni-Nock.

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