Keep the adventure alive with hours of fuel for Thermacell mosquito protection. This pack of 4 fuel cartridges ensures each fuel-powered Thermacell device from portable repellers to backyard torches maintain a 15-foot area of protection when used with repellent mats. The innovative Thermacell technology delivers highly effective protection against mosquitoes without the use of messy and smelly lotions, creams, sprays...
Keep the adventure alive with hours of fuel for Thermacell mosquito protection. This pack of 4 fuel cartridges ensures each fuel-powered Thermacell device from portable repellers to backyard torches maintain a 15-foot area of protection when used with repellent mats. The innovative Thermacell technology delivers highly effective protection against mosquitoes without the use of messy and smelly lotions, creams, sprays or wipes. Fuel cartridges provide scent-free, spray-free and mess-free heat that activates repellent mats (not included) within a Thermacell device. No more open flames, chemical sprays or oily solutions, and no more pesky mosquitoes. Thermacell fuel cartridges are easy to carry and easy to store. Evaluated by the EPA for safety and effectiveness, Thermacell products also come with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Whether canoeing, hiking or enjoying the backyard, keep Thermacell devices well fueled with Thermacell Fuel Cartridge Refills. Turn it on Mosquitoes Gone
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