Hunter Safety System Shadow Harness


The lightest harness ever  weighing Only 27 oz The Shadow is the lightest, most flexible harness to hit the market. The Shadow features a breathable air-mesh upper body.  The upper body features verticle adjustment that allows you to tailor the harness to your comfort.  Upper-body webbing, tether and waist buckle continues to provide the strength you expect from HSS without...

The lightest harness ever  weighing Only 27 oz

The Shadow is the lightest, most flexible harness to hit the market.

The Shadow features a breathable air-mesh upper body.  The upper body features verticle adjustment that allows you to tailor the harness to your comfort.  Upper-body webbing, tether and waist buckle continues to provide the strength you expect from HSS without the added weight and bulk.

- Trim design gives a snug fit without compromising movement

- 1.25” upper-body webbing, shock absorbing tether and waist buckle reduces weight and bulk

- Patented HSS design eliminates dangerous dangling straps and weave-through buckles

- Soft grey tone compliments well most all camo pattern


• Hunter Safety System Shadow harness

• Adjustable tree strap

• Suspension relief strap

• Instructional DVD

• Safe-use instructions

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