Vortex Crossfire II 2-7x32 Crossbow Scope Kit

  • Brand: VORTEX
  • Availability: In Stock

From first to last light, this 2-7x32 Crossfire II Crossbow Scope Kit (scope, 30mm rings, flip caps and neoprene cover) provides hunters looking for accuracy and dependability everything they need to start stacking bolts and filling tags. The XBR-2 reticle is specifically designed for crossbows for a 40-yard zero and fast, accurate holdovers from 20-100 yards. The reticle is also...

From first to last light, this 2-7x32 Crossfire II Crossbow Scope Kit (scope, 30mm rings, flip caps and neoprene cover) provides hunters looking for accuracy and dependability everything they need to start stacking bolts and filling tags. The XBR-2 reticle is specifically designed for crossbows for a 40-yard zero and fast, accurate holdovers from 20-100 yards. The reticle is also equipped with dual illumination, red or green, for accuracy in low light. The magnification and FPS on the magnifier ring keep the scope compatible with a variety of bows and setups, and a wide field of view makes it perfect for a variety of shooting situations. Proprietary coatings increase light transmission with multiple anti-reflective coatings on all air-to-glass surfaces. Rugged construction withstands recoil and impact. O-ring sealed and nitrogen purged, this scope provides reliable waterproof and fogproof performance in all environments and over a wide range of temperature

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