Groove Life T-Aspire Leopard


Introducing our highly anticipated Leopard Groove Ring. Classic and on-trend, our Leopard print design will set you apart from the crowd. Have some fun and pair with any of our Groove Satin rings to tie in your own style. Our cutting-edge Groove technology is designed to allow breathability and comfort on a whole new level. Our medical grade elastomer blend...

Introducing our highly anticipated Leopard Groove Ring. Classic and on-trend, our Leopard print design will set you apart from the crowd. Have some fun and pair with any of our Groove Satin rings to tie in your own style.

Our cutting-edge Groove technology is designed to allow breathability and comfort on a whole new level. Our medical grade elastomer blend provides maximum durability while allowing flexibility that you can't find anywhere else. This ring is the perfect, bold addition for women looking to make a statement with their wedding band.

Customized in Tennessee

When you first wear this ring it may feel stiff. No worries. These rings have a break-in-period and will soften after a week of wear.

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