Extremely Comfortable Seat Extra large, waterproof, Flex-Tek seat contours to your legs and back. Large, Spacious Platform Platform provides D-Force 3" expanded metal grates and the whole stand is coated with Fiber-Guard texture for extra grip. Quiet Nylon washers, spacers, & caps throughout the stand. No metal on metal contact! Blind...
Extremely Comfortable Seat Extra large, waterproof, Flex-Tek seat contours to your legs and back.
Large, Spacious Platform Platform provides D-Force 3" expanded metal grates and the whole stand is coated with Fiber-Guard texture for extra grip.
Quiet Nylon washers, spacers, & caps throughout the stand. No metal on metal contact!
Blind Kit Available Model MCB-MF3.
Product Specs
MINIMUM TREE SIZE: 9" diameter
FIBER-GUARD COATING: Textured, weather-resistant finish that ensures a no-slip grip
SILENCERS: Nylon washers, spacers, & caps throughout the stand; no metal on metal contact
LADDER SECTIONS: 3 x single rail bolted
ARMRESTS: Padded; part of shooting rail
FOOT PLATFORM: 40" W x 33" D
D-FORCE GRATES: 3" wide grates; quiet, extra traction & support
SEAT STYLE: Flex-Tek seat, contours to your legs and back; waterproof and silent; flips back for full platform use
FOOTREST: Flips back silently
SEAT SIZE: 37" W x 18" D
SHOOTING RAIL: Silent Epic camo padded covering; no noise while shifting or setting up; flips-back quietly for full platform use
BACKREST: 37" W x 18" T
FASTENERS: 2-1" ratchets straps; 2-1" stabilizer straps
SAFETY HARNESS: Two 4-pt. full-body harnesses
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