Weighs Only 2.0 Lbs! Smart Fabrics keep you cool and dry all season long Right Fit™ zones are designed to keep vest snug and eliminate unnecessary bulk Tether is 1.25” thin and absorbs more shock than before Patented HSS design eliminates dangerous dangling straps and weave-through buckles Designed to...
Weighs Only 2.0 Lbs!
Smart Fabrics keep you cool and dry all season long
Right Fit™ zones are designed to keep vest snug and eliminate unnecessary bulk
Tether is 1.25” thin and absorbs more shock than before
Patented HSS design eliminates dangerous dangling straps and weave-through buckles
Designed to be comfortable when sitting or standing with no adjustments
Easy to use, lightweight leg buckles for easy dressing in the field
Realtree® X-Tra™ Camouflage
NEW! ElimiShield®Hunt™ Scent Control Technology - Heat fused into the fabric and good for the life of the harness!
Included in the Box
HSS TreeStalker II
Lineman's Climbing Strap
Adjustable Tree Strap
Suspension Relief/Deer Drag
Instructional DVD
Safe-Use Instructions
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