Who says that a budget friendly hunting crossbow has to come from China? Meet the Blackhawk 360. Born and Bred in the US, this bow is just like you… it hunts hard to get the job done, and is proud to be American! Built for success in tight crossbow hunting situations, the Wicked Ridge Blackhawk 360 features a 15-inch...
Who says that a budget friendly hunting crossbow has to come from China? Meet the Blackhawk 360. Born and Bred in the US, this bow is just like you… it hunts hard to get the job done, and is proud to be American!
Built for success in tight crossbow hunting situations, the Wicked Ridge Blackhawk 360 features a 15-inch wide, 175-pound bow assembly with 11” WRX limbs powered by heavy-duty machined 5S cams that elongate the power stroke and increase cam rotation to produce speeds of up to 360 fps with unmatched downrange accuracy. With all of these features, the Blackhawk 360 is the best affordable crossbow on the market today!
Pre-sighted at 20-yards
Easy 1-bolt Assembly
Ready-to-Hunt Package
Crossbow Hunting Package Includes:
Optics: TenPoint’s Multi-Line Scope
Cocking Device: Rope-Cocker
Quiver: 3-Arrow Instant Detach Quiver
Crossbow Arrows: Three XX75 Wicked Ridge Aluminum Arrows
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