Vengent S440

  • Brand: Tenpoint
  • Availability: Out Of Stock

The fastest and narrowest forward-draw hunting crossbow ever produced!   The lightweight Vengent S440 crossbow delivers lightning speeds up to 440 FPS and features the NEW revolutionary ACUslide silent cocking and safe de-cocking crossbow technology. This ultra-fast hunting crossbow is our narrowest ever, measuring an incredible 5.8-inches wide, and features a 3.5 pound, 2-stage S1 trigger that delivers our most...

The fastest and narrowest forward-draw hunting crossbow ever produced!


The lightweight Vengent S440 crossbow delivers lightning speeds up to 440 FPS and features the NEW revolutionary ACUslide silent cocking and safe de-cocking crossbow technology. This ultra-fast hunting crossbow is our narrowest ever, measuring an incredible 5.8-inches wide, and features a 3.5 pound, 2-stage S1 trigger that delivers our most crisp, consistent break ever.


TenPoint designed the silent cocking and de-cocking system for our customers to safely de-cock their hunting crossbows without risk of injury, making our crossbows the finest and safest crossbows for sale on the market today.


Crossbow Hunting Package Includes:


Optics: RangeMaster Scope mounted on a machined aluminum 7/8-inch Fixed Dovetail Mount

Bubble Level

Cocking Device: ACUslide Cocking and De-Cocking System

Quiver: 6-Arrow Tech Quiver

Crossbow Arrows: Six Evo-X CenterPunch premium carbon arrows with 100-grain practice points

Soft Case: TenPoint Narrow Soft Case

For the highest quality, narrowest, and fastest crossbow for sale, the Vengent s440 is the best hunting crossbow choice.

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